Xy08's Blog

Ya Can’t Suspend It Out of Them….

It seems that as a society we’ve gotten to the point of over-reacting to the things that high-schoolers sometimes do when trying to express themselves. There is the underlying idea that teen behavior and judgment can be regulated through rules, quick suspension and punitive action. I’m not sure such “police-state” mentality ultimately serves the school, the community, the students or is it the most effective manner by which to address behavioral issues.

A while ago there was the teen who invited a girl to a prom by posting a banner on the school building. It was considered defacing public property and raised a safety issue, so the kid was initially told he couldn’t go to the prom because of his actions. Fortunately, there was a community uproar and common sense kicked-in. The school rescinded the decision and allowed him to attend the prom.

Yes, I understand there was a safety issue with the kid climbing the building to place the banner. The school didn’t want to promote such behavior or be liable, but there’s got to be other ways to teach young people and raise their awareness other than punitive action. (I would have liked to have seen the school have the maintenance crew place another banner explaining the safety issues, along with a congratulatory quip about the prom date accepting the invitation.)

I read about a group of students who were suspended for Tebowing in the halls, citing safety issues because they were impeding movement in the hall. I’m pretty sure if there was a fire, the Tebowers would have stopped. (Hmm. Maybe the teachers could have decided to have “Teacher Tebow Day” and every time the educators had to deal with a student issue, they could Tebow in response or maybe a mandatory Te-Bow before lunch for everyone. — Kind of takes the wind out of the teenaged sails. Why should the kids have all the fun?)

Then there’s the irate parents, all in a tizzy because of their teens’ self-expressive outrageous appearance and attire — bizarre clothing and jewelry, green-spiked hair, tattoos and piercings, and the like. Instead of fighting with your kid about their choices, spike your hair, apply some henna tattoos and put on a couple of fake piercings and offer to take your kid to the mall or out for a bite to eat in your get-up. (I’ve not yet seen a teen be willing to accompany their parent when they’ve looked like this. Just the thought of your parent even considering doing such a thing seems to evoke embarrassment horror. — Gee – I wonder why? Ha!)

I think the adults could actually have a little fun as they attempt to teach, help socialize and raise the awareness of young people. Reserve the severe punitive actions for aggressive and violent behavior.

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